Sunday, May 4, 2014

Facial Fat Grafting in Los Angeles can make you look younger

Why get fat put into your face, while everyone is trying to get rid of their fat? There are two reasons people get fat grafting to their face. First, facial aging causes loss of facial volume which results in hollowness of the face and an aging look. Second, weight loss would also results in loss of facial volume which make a person look older. That is why many women in Los Angeles are opting for facial fat grafting as a way of replenishing the lost facial volume and to make themselves look young.
While fat grafting to the face is a relatively minor procedure, it is associated with major facial swelling. Women who plan to have facial fat grafting must know and accept that their face would be swollen for 1-2 months after surgery, and that during this time they might still have some bruising in some areas.
Dr. Younai who is a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon has been performing body contouring and facial fat grafting for many years. Attached is a facial fat grafting before and after picture of a patient of Dr. Younai. To learn more about this procedure you can visit Dr. Sean Younai's web site at
There are many things to consider when contemplating having facial plastic surgery. While some women would only need facial fat grafting, other might benefit from a facelift.