Thursday, March 13, 2008

Nutritional Herbal Supplements for Plastic surgery in Beverly Hills

Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeons have always been drawn to the cutting edge technology in order to give their patients the very best. The latest Plastic Surgery advent in Beverly Hills has not been a high tech laser. But rather, just the opposite, Beverly Hills Plastic Surgeons are turning low tech! They are embracing Holistic Medicine- the natural herbs and vitamin supplements that potentially help cosmetic surgery patients heal and recover the fastest. Even the American Society of Plastic Surgery is now educating the public about nutritional supplements that reduce bruising and facilitate healing.
The following are examples of some of the most commonly used nutritional herbal supplements and vitamins that are now commonly being used by plastic and cosmetic surgeons in Beverly Hills.

Arnica Montana

Arnica Montana is a natural herb that minimizes surgical bleeding, bruising, inflammation, muscle pain, and promotes healing. It works well both in an oral form and as a cream, but avoid putting the cream near open wounds and fresh incisions. Taken before plastic surgery, there is less bleeding and swelling afterwards, and taken after cosmetic surgery, pain and bruising are minimized. Because of this property Arnica Montana is used prior to liposuction, tummy tuck, or facial plastic surgery.
Usage: Start 3 days before plastic surgery. Four pills, 3 times a day, under the tongue. Let pills dissolve. Continue for two weeks after Plastic Surgery.

Nux Vomica

Also known as Poison Nut, this alleviates the side-effects of anesthesia and other drugs, helping you to feel more like yourself soon after plastic surgery. It helps with nausea and dysphasia; ad helps detoxify your body from cosmetic surgery. Specialty pharmacies carry the multiplex formulas.
Usage: 4 pills 3 times a day under tongue. Let pills dissolve. Continue for one week after plastic surgery.

Grape Seed Extract (Proanthocyanidins)

This herb is derived from Grape Seed and has a special affinity for skin tissue and promotes healing. It helps shorten the recovery period by reducing inflammation and accelerating the rate of repair to the skin.
Usage: Start 7 days before plastic surgery. One, 100mg capsule, 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

Bromezyme™(2400 mcu)

A natural proteolytic enzyme derived from pineapple that has shown to reduce inflammation, consequently decreasing pain, swelling and accelerating the healing process. This nutritional supplements should be taken prior to plastic surgery.
Usage: Start 3 days before surgery. 3 tablets, 3 times a, day on an empty stomach.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Vitamin C is an antioxidant which helps your natural defenses against free radicals, which are unstable molecules that age the skin, resulting from environmental pollutants, smoking, or excess sun exposure. Vitamin C neutralizes volatile reactions caused by free radicals that damage skin. Preliminary studies suggest vitamin C supplements in non-deficient people can speed healing of various types of wounds and trauma, including surgery, minor injuries, herniated intervertebral disks and skin ulcers.
Vitamin C is also essential for your body’s production of collagen which is used in the building of your skin, bones, teeth, and every organ of your body.
Vitamin C can be found in citrus fruits and juices, cantaloupe, strawberries, kiwi, cabbage, spinach, broccoli, and green peppers.
There are many forms and doses of Vitamin C available in Health Food Stores. Taking any more than about 200 milligrams per day is likely a waste of money anyway, according to a landmark study by Mark Levine of the NIH. Levine's group found that the body's cells can't absorb more than about 100 milligrams per day, and the concentration of vitamin C in the blood begins to level off at a dose of 200 milligrams per day. The study appeared in the April 1996 issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

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